

    Information about the person



    Agafonov Alexander Petrovich

    general manager, Doctor of Biological Sciences

    He graduated from Novosibirsk State University with a degree in biology. He has been working at Vector since 1983.

    Deputy General Directors for main activities


    Sergeyev Artemy Alexandrovich

    deputy director for scientific and epidemiological work, doctor of medical sciences

    He graduated from the Novosibirsk State Medical Academy with a degree in medicine.
    He has been working at Vector since 2023.

    Nechaeva Elena Augustovna

    deputy director for scientific and Industrial work, candidate of medical sciences

    She graduated from Omsk State Medical Institute with a degree in sanitation.
    He has been working at Vector since 1979.

    Prytkova Olga Vladimirovna

    ACTING academic secretary, candidate of biological sciences

    She graduated from Kuban State University with a degree in biology.
    He has been working at Vector since 1987.

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