

    • Laboratory of chemical preparations
    • Laboratory of immunological drugs
    • Laboratory of drugs of natural origin (biochemistry sector)

    The main directions 

    • Development and study of the effectiveness of specific and nonspecific protection means
    • Conducting preclinical studies
    • Participation in clinical trials and registration of drugs


    Phone: + 7 (383) 3634700 ext. 2113

    E-mail: shish@vector.nsc.ru

    Scientific departments

    Other departments

    Department "Collection of microorganisms"

    Pyankov Oleg Viktorovich

    candidate of biological sciences

    Department genomic research

    Yudkin Dmitry Vladimirovich

    doctor of biological sciences

    Department of zoonotic Infections and Influenza

    Ryzhikov Alexander Borisovich

    candidate of biological sciences

    Department of Retroviruses

    Gashnikova Natalia Matveevna

    candidate of biological sciences

    Department of bioengineering

    Ilyichev Alexander Alekseevich

    doctor of biological sciences, professor

    Theoretical department

    Sivai Maria Vladimirovna

    Department of molecular virology of flaviviruses and viral hepatitis

    Loktev Valery Borisovich

    doctor of biological sciences, professor

    Department of biophysics and environmental research

    Safatov Alexander Sergeevich

    doctor of biological sciences, professor

    Department of microscopic research

    Taranov Oleg Svyatoslavovich

    Department of development and production of diagnostic tools for viral diseases

    Chub Elena Vladimirovna

    candidate of biological sciences

    Department biosafety

    Zolin Vladimir Viktorovich

    candidate of medical sciences

    Department of scientific and methodological training of personnel

    Azaev Mammadyar Shakirovich

    doctor of biological sciences, associate professor

    Department of cell technologies

    Nechaeva Elena Augustovna

    candidate of medical sciences

    Quality assurance department

    Streltsova Elena Nikolaevna

    Department of biological and technological control

    Bogryantseva Marina Polikarpovna

    candidate of biological sciences

    Patent department

    Mistyurin Yuri Nikolaevich

    See more

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